Joe Moore, a local television personality, used to host a show on Hawaii Public Radio called Moore Mozart. Mozart was a special passion for Moore, and he was telling this story to a crowd of classical music lovers.
“I called it Moore Mozart because I was young and boastful,” Moore said. “If I were to do it know, I would call it Mozart and Moore. I’m no longer young.”
I don’t think I was alone in reflecting on, as I laughed at his humor, how his self-judgment might be mine as well. Boastfulness can be a hard habit to break, and I’m not sure that I have completely kicked the habit.
I had an inkling of that during one of the class meetings for the Ed.D. program in which I serve as a mentor and dissertation reader. For this meeting, we were asking the students to discuss what object or piece of writing might capture their understanding of their leadership experiences or style. To get the ball rolling, three mentors identified an artifact that represented in some way the leadership experiences of our lives.
I chose a card in my wallet, a bit rumpled because it has been there since 1964, on which Miss Delight Smith, Girls’ Vice Principal at San Diego High School had typed:
Knowledge is proud that he knows so much.
Wisdom is humble that he knows so little.
I went on to explain that, according to family lore and the probable testimony of what friends I had, I held myself in very high esteem in my early years. Dad used to warn me about “tooting my own horn.”
Since those times, I have come to see bragging as one sure sign of a lack of self-confidence. I can’t psychoanalyze my self of sixty years ago but I can believe that, for some reason, I did lack self-confidence then. Socially, because I had skipped a grade, I know I felt that I had to work hard to belong with my classmates.
But, I told the cohort members that day, I apparently was impressed enough with my own academic prowess that Miss Smith decided I needed a reminder about knowledge and wisdom. After all, I said, I was the valedictorian…
(At this point, one of the cohort member said “toot,” and we all laughed.)
…so I thought I was entitled to be impressed with myself.
The student’s toot was a great reminder that old habits die hard.
The lesson on my wallet card is, I think, an aspiration more than an achievement. Finding the right balance between self-effacement and appropriate pride of accomplishment is probably a lifetime struggle. I told the cohort that the way I could approach in leadership positions the aspiration Miss Smith set for me was to remember how many people made it possible for me to be where I was when I was doing that I was doing. It also helped to put faces on the people who might be affected by whatever I did or decided.
I concluded my talk to the cohort with a story. People of a Certain Age, we all have stories like these that comprise the narrative of our lives. Recall some of them from time to time. My stories often involve luck.
This one comes from when Judy, Larry Caster, and I were working to get Island Pacific Academy opened. We thought that a school ought to have a motto, like the one we had at the Webb Schools in California, “principes non homines,” “leaders, not just men.” We thought the IPA slogan should be in the Hawaiian language. But what to write?
We looked at several options and liked the motto of one school on the mainland, “go forward with confidence.” We asked an experienced Hawaiian language expert to give us a translation and got back “I Mua Me Ka Ha’aheo.” We liked it for a couple of reasons: we believe that a major added value of independent school education is that students emerge with self-confidence. And, we thought that the motto captured the confidence with which we were launching a new school. The motto has stuck, and we’re happy about that.
A few years later, another Hawaiian friend said to us, you know, ha’aheo, like so many words in the Hawaiian language, has several meanings. One of them is “humble pride.” What good luck!
That’s quite a concept, humble pride. It is great that a language has a word for it. Why shouldn’t any person be proud if she has successfully treated the sick or enacted legislation that helps people? Why can’t a fellow feel proud to have invented something useful or been a good dad? Pride gets a bad rap because of its excesses.
Temper the pride with humility. Acknowledge the blessings to your life that have enabled accomplishment. Pay homage to one’s collaborators. Understand that we did not endow ourselves with our unique array of talents.
I think ha’aheo might have appealed to Miss Delight Smith.
Daniel E. White
March 20, 2017