7:15 am Tuesday, I went out on the lanai and watched the neighborhood stir. I don’t usually do that. We People of a Certain Age can enjoy such luxuries.
A taxi turned south off Makakilo Drive into the new houses, built five years ago. We don’t see taxis much up here. A few minutes later, it came back. Probably headed to the airport.
A woman in her fifties talked on her cell phone as her dog, tethered to an expanding leash, pulled her downhill. The dog did not miss a tree. The woman took little notice. Probably both were happy.
First came the yellow bus to pick up the elementary school kids. Two boys there, one whose mom had walked him to the pick-up spot. He looked relieved that only one other boy was there to see his mom when she wanted to give him a hug. Aw, Mom!
The second was escorted by his older sister. She went across the street to her bus when he was safely on board his. All the kids were laden with heavy-looking backpacks.
I’m not sorry we didn’t use backpacks in elementary school. Our books stayed in our desks, the ones with the ink wells that held no ink. You HAVE to be of a Certain Age to remember those. We started to carry Peechees around in junior high school, and a few books. No backpacks, though.
Carrying books home meant high school. Boys carried girls’ books sometimes if they were smitten. The well-off kids’ books had plastic school-sold book covers. My crowd made covers from paper bags. Status was easy to tell in those days.
The second bus sneezed the way buses do and stopped for the older kids. Several hustled the last few yards to be sure not to miss it.
I didn’t ride a bus to school until high school. We walked to grade school and rode bikes to junior high school. Now, it seems most kids ride buses or are dropped off by their parents. Kids miss something these days because of this.
When the elementary bus met the secondary school bus at the corner below, the buses stopped so that the drivers could chat until a car drove up.
Ordinary stuff.
I thought about the people I know whose various infirmities have confined them to bed or the hospital. Wouldn’t they welcome the chance to watch ordinary stuff? If you are not one of these this Thanksgiving, there’s one blessing for you.
The fellow who rides his Harley to work fired up the engine. He’s one of the polite ones who doesn’t blast the neighborhood with scores of decibels as he accelerates up the hill. He’s dressed in fatigues. I had not realized he was military.
Cement truck. On the hill opposite our place, more houses are going up, one by one, at the edge of the development where the houses had sprouted earlier fifty at a time. When the driver braked to make the turn, the truck seemed to want to head downhill with a mind of its own that needed to be tamed.
No problem. The driver does this every day. Relatively few cement trucks run out of control and crash.
Everyday. A crossword clue for quotidian. A fifty-cent word that sounds like it should mean something other than everyday. Have I ever actually heard anyone use quotidian in a sentence?
Three dogs follow a young man toward me. Two look like pit bulls from my perch. The third seems a poi dog, mixed and unknown parentage. The man seems quite in control, the alpha being clear to all concerned. They must all be his. They don’t stop as much at the trees.
A steady stream of SUVs thread their way out of the neighborhood. Ferrying kids to school most likely. The sportier cars mark the solo drivers, mostly men, headed to work in town. From here, I can see the H-1 freeway backed up to the North-South Road. So could the drivers as they left home. They’re used to it.
The cattle egrets fly the opposite direction, from their nightly roost at Pearl Harbor to the hills behind my house. To where the cattle are, and the bugs they’ll eat today.
I wonder if the drivers ever watch the egrets with envy?
For most of my life, I was one of the drivers at 7:15 am on Tuesday. I feel more like an egret these days.
A lot of good people I have known have died, just since I retired. Are they on some higher lanai, watching? I know that a few of them, as they accepted the nearness of death, came to value their 7:15 a.m. Tuesday moments.
Sometimes the little things mean a lot.
By 7:30 the street had quieted. There came the dog walkers again, headed home. A delivery truck rumbled down the hill.
Time for my coffee and the crossword.
Daniel E. White
November 22, 2015